Our e-mtb-city-bike
has arrived...
03 - 2020

Update WLB 2020

from consortium

The serious situation that the country faces due to the current epidemic is having consequences for which the We Like Bike programs are little thing. However, we consider it necessary to update those who have followed and accompanied us so far with a few update observations:

1. the constitution of the WLB Consortium is postponed until it becomes possible again to bring the many subjects who proposed themselves as founding members before the notary; in fact, we had to postpone the constitution of the consortium a couple of times: the last appointment was set for 11 March last;

2. the postponement of the Giro d’Italia has definitively imposed the freezing of all the initiatives scheduled between the end of May and the beginning of June: the “100Magni” and “50Pantani” exhibitions, the MercatoneUno reunion, events originally planned for May 25 and the night with the Italian champions of the Giro on June 2; its re-proposal will now have to be re-evaluated according to the many variables involved;

3. the National Rally of the Italian Velocipedi Association, scheduled for 31 May in San Daniele, has been canceled: consider that many collectors come from Lombardy and the areas currently most affected by the epidemic;

4. The “Non-competitive gravel Spilimbergo-Sandaniele” will inevitably be rescheduled, which was being planned in a cycling tourism format with the participation of some well-known sports testimonials.

In any case, as soon as it can become operational, the Consortium will promote as soon as possible all the initiatives relating to services for cycle tourism and the territory (new routes, e-bike rental, in-coming activities, etc.). It is very likely that this ambitious program of the first months of activity of the consortium being formed is destined to be revised, even in depth. This awareness will not prevent the promoters of We Like Bike and, we trust, their supporters from proposing themselves, as far as possible, with modesty but with the determination of those who love the territory and the country, as a useful tool to offer a small contribution to recovery.

We will keep you updated on any significant developments in this regard.

Thanks for your attention and mandi to everyone!
We Like Bike promoters

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We Like Bike

Consorzio friulano
per la promozione
del cicloturismo
e del territorio

Legal Headquarters

Via Umberto I, 28
33038 San Daniele del Friuli (Ud)

Operational Headquarters

Via Roma, 6
33038 San Daniele del Friuli (Ud)

p.iva/c.f. 03001450307